After a very successful event - Breakfast on Kriváň - we present the second part of this series - Lunch on Ďumbier.

Once again, it's time for music enthusiasts to come together. Are you a musician or simply love music, dance, and singing? You can't miss our regularly irregular jam session. We have musical instruments, or feel free to bring your own. This time, we are excited to welcome special guests, the Kráľovec brothers Ján and Slavomír (drums and guitar)...



The musical group SoaRé has previously performed at our Koliba Woodstock festival, and we are thrilled to welcome them back. This time, they are having their own concert where they will perform many well-known songs in their highly captivating style. We are also looking forward to their latest creation - 'Na azúrovom pobreží.' These charismatic...

Our club has long aimed to bring music lovers together. On August 10, 2023, starting at 6:00 PM, get ready for an evening filled with music. Join us for our irregular event, RILLY's Jam Session, where you can play or sing, or simply listen and chat with the musicians. Basic musical instruments are available, including drums, piano, bass, double...

We're kicking off the summer concert season with the captivating ensemble Transylvanian Lunches. Formed in 2007, the band has a rich history and has recently settled into its current lineup: Jozef J.Tekel on saxophone and flute, Janko Lehotský Jr. on bass guitar, Gusto Horváth on drums, guru-ideological founder, and Františko Turák on keyboards,...

Ľubomír Gašpar vyrastal na folklóre, študoval klasickú hudbu a jazz. Jeho hudobné cesty sa spojili do jednej podoby do jeho autorského projektu - Ľubomír Gašpar - Cimbal Project. Je držiteľom ceny Radio Head awards za album Point of view a výherca medzinárodnej jazzovej súťaže Jazz fruit Praha.

Po minuloročnom, mimoriadne úspešnom, na naše pomery nezvyčajne dlhom (2-mesačnom) turné jednej z najoriginálnejších formácií - TripleJump, sa toto multižánrové trio opäť vracia na festivalové pódiá a do známych klubov na SLovensku, v Česku a Rakúsku. Popri ich doterajšej tvorbe ponúknu aj úplne nové piesne a skladby. Tie budú súčasťou CD, ktoré je...

Koncert týchto dvoch pánov bude určite nezabudnuteľným zážitkom. Stretnutie dvoch generácií špičkových muzikantov. Pán Antonín Gondolán je bezpochyby žijúca legenda. Jeho viac ako 65 ročná kariéra je pretkaná len slávnymi menami a udalosťami. Súrodenci Gondolánovci boli v 60'rokoch výnimočným zoskupením, pôsobil v orchestri Gustáva Broma, v divadle...